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Calcium & it’s additional benefits.

We know that an adequate intake of calcium is important for strong bones and teeth. But there are many more benefits of calcium too. The body is constantly using calcium in muscle and nerve functions as well as to carry out functions in the heart.

If a person’s diet does not include enough calcium to replace what is used, the body will pull from the stored supply of calcium in the bones, weakening them and increasing the risk of fracture. Intakes of calcium are a concern amongst certain groups of the population. For example, a high proportion of teenage boys and girls and women aged 19-24 years fail to meet the lower reference nutrient intake (LRNI) for calcium, i.e. their intakes are likely to be inadequate.

Benefits of Calcium: 

  • Supports muscle function, including cardiac muscle
  • Regulates blood pressure and contributes to normal blood clotting
  • Supports normal function of the nervous system and normal neurotransmitter production
  • Helps maintain normal fluid balance
  • Supports normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • Supports normal function of digestive enzymes

What happens if I take too much?

Taking high doses of calcium (more than 1,500mg a day) could lead to stomach pain and diarrhea. Taking 1,500mg or less a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Foods containing calcium include:

  • Milk, cheese and other dairy foods
  • Green leafy vegetables such as curly kale, okra and spinach
  • Soya drinks with added calcium
  • Bread and anything made with fortified flour
  • Fish where you eat the bones such as sardines and pilchards

If your diet lacks variety and not much dairy, it is likely to be deficient in Calcium. Below are some ways to help: 

H&B Calcium plus Vitamin D 90 Tablets.

Pairing vitamin D with calcium creates a sort of dream team, as vitamin D contributes to the normal absorption and utilisation of calcium. So, it makes perfect sense to combine vitamin D and calcium into one tablet to ensure that your body has the levels required to function at its best and allow the substances to work efficiently. These calcium supplements are a great way to maintain normal bone health.

Chia Seed 200g

Just one 15g serving of chia seeds provides an impressive 569mg of Calcium which is 70% of your recommended intake.